Digital Possibilities

by Richard Beck

Product Management for Agile Businesses: The Product Management Lifecycle

2021-02-15 20:14

Understanding the Product Management Lifecycle

Creating and following a solid product management lifecycle is key to meeting your business’ objectives and therefore maximizing returns. It is essential for everyone in a senior leadership role within a business to understand the lifecycle and how that applies to what they do.



Is Your Product Organization Working Effectively?

2021-02-15 20:11

Effective Product Management Teams

Strong product management can lead to amazing performance for your business, supporting the work of all departments and giving you excellent returns on your investments.

However, it is a very difficult challenge to ensure that product is run optimally, and it can be difficult sometimes to identify


Product Management for Agile Businesses: Adoption

2021-02-15 19:59

Adoption of your Product is never easy

The final phase in the Product Management Cycle is the Adoption phase. Coming into this phase you should have a product or feature that has proven acceptability from its target customers or users and is ready to scale.

That doesn’t imply that the product or feature is perfect of course, but that


Product Management for Agile Businesses: Go To Market & Launch

2021-02-15 19:56

Take your Product to Market

You’ve built your solution to address a problem or opportunity, and you’re proud of your baby and you want the world to see it! How do you go about getting it in the hands of your users?

In a word: slowly.

The Go To Market or Launch phase of the Product Development Cycle is concerned with taking a


Product Management for Agile Businesses: Development

2021-02-15 10:35

Computer Coding

When you’ve identified a problem to solve or an opportunity to address, how should you go about developing the best solution? What are the key things that you have to bear in mind?

Coming into the development phase of the Product Management lifecycle, you have a candidate that has been validated and prioritized.


Product Management for Agile Businesses: Validation

2021-02-15 10:35

Validate Product Ideas

The validation phase of the Product Management Lifecycle is one of its most critical steps. Without solid validation, a business can spend scarce resources developing the wrong offering and missing opportunities in the market. Suffice it to say that many business failures occur due to poor


Product Management for Agile Businesses: Scoring and Prioritizing

2021-02-15 10:35

Scoring Product Items

Prioritizing the work to be done in a small business can make the difference between business failure and success. Build the wrong thing, and there can be no second chances, build the right thing and you make a huge difference to the business.

Many small businesses have many competing demands for their


Product Management for Agile Businesses: Collecting Signals

2021-02-15 10:34

Different ideas

Small businesses need to be really good at product management. They need capitalize on their flexibility, yet make sure that they are exercising their resources in the best way possible — there is little room for error.

The Product Management lifecycle begins with Signals, and they are one of the most crucial parts
